The New Attorney

Posted on August 2, 2016 at 12:00pm by

Being a new attorney is interesting and difficult for similar reasons. It is interesting in that you are learning something new every day which makes the work you do exciting. On the other hand, being a young lawyer can be difficult because you have no experience to rely on and must think hard to figure out how to approach a new project or task.

It is great as a new attorney to have experienced professionals working with you in the same office. I always feel comfortable tackling something new because I know there is experienced attorneys that can guide me in how to solve an issue. Another great aspect of having other attorneys to rely on is that you make yourself take the time to think critically about an issue before you seek out their guidance.

One challenging aspect of being a new lawyer has nothing with what you learned in law school. You must learn how the law office functions. You must learn how to bill for things and how to track your time. You must learn what the process is for retaining a new client. These are things that were never taught in law school, but are very important to how well you do your job as a new attorney.

There is nothing more exciting than being a new attorney. Having to speak in Federal Court for the first time in front of a judge was the most fun and nervous experience I have had in a long time! Additionally, as a young lawyer you learn to savor the small victories you have and not let the setbacks get you down too much.

Being a new attorney is like anything else worthwhile. It is fun, interesting, and can be very challenging. One aspect I love is that I will always be striving for new knowledge and problem solving for my clients. That’s what really makes being a new attorney great!

By Attorney Stewart Bogart at The Sader Law Firm
