Tag Archives: PersonalFinance

How Can I Save Money on My Electricity Bill?

Utility bills can make your finances more difficult if you are experiencing money problems. Depending on your living situation and family size, it may not be unusual to pay an electricity bill over $150. If you want to save money on your electricity bill going into the warmer months, then you should keep reading. There are ways that you could bring down the prices of your electricity bill. Improve airflow: Your electricity bills will be higher if your vents are not working at full capacity. First, you should make sure that the vents in your apartment or home are open. You should also regularly replace the filters to improve airflow. Air vent filters are inexpensive and can typically be purchased in bulk at a hardware store. You could also make use of ceiling fans if you have them in your residence. Remember, you can push hot air upwards by running…
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Why Should I Monitor My Credit?

The information listed in your credit reports has an important effect on your financial life. Your credit scores are created by the information in your reports. Credit scores determine whether you can receive favorable terms for financial products. While employers do not pull your credit scores, they may consider the information in your reports before extending a job offer. You can monitor your credit ratings and reports throughout the year. By checking your credit, you could: Determine your credit worthiness: Your credit reports and scores are good indicators of your financial standing. Keep in mind, even if you do have poor credit scores or negative information listed on your report, you can always set goals to improve both. Fix mistakes on your reports: If your credit scores drop suddenly without any explanation, it could indicate that incorrect information was posted to one or more of your credit reports. You may…
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What Steps Can I Take to Improve My Credit Scores?

  Your credit scores are used by lenders to determine whether you are a credit risk. Many lenders use FICO credit scores, which were developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation. Lenders also use different versions of FICO scores. There is more than one FICO scoring model, some of which are used by specific creditors. Multiple factors are considered when calculating your FICO credit scores. These factors include payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, which types of credit you have and new lines of credit. Your base FICO scores, which range from 300 to 850, could help determine whether you can receive favorable loan terms. The higher your scores, the better the interest rates and the more likely you will be approved for credit Late payments, defaults and an overuse of credit can lower your scores. Fortunately, credit scores are not permanent. You can always take steps to improve…
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